Read instruction | Nursing homework help




The readings for this module include chapters from Successful Nurse Communication: Safe Care, Healthy Workplaces, & Rewarding Careers.

Before navigating to the ebook, download the reading resources by selecting the arrow next to the resource link. When you are ready to begin your readings, select “Next” to go to the next page to launch the ebook in a new window. Select “View” to see all of the chapters. Locate your assigned reading and select “View eBook” to navigate to the chapter.

When you have completed your readings, close the window and select “Next” to go to the next activity.


Listening is a key component of the communication cycle. Throughout this module, you will learn to effectively listen, collaborate as a team member, and promote client safety.

Focus Questions:

  1. Are you an active listener, or do you listen to respond?
  2. What is your role in the team?
  3. How does your communication style impact the team dynamic?

Reading Resources


Boynton, B. (2016). Successful nurse communication: Safe care, healthy workplaces, & rewarding careers. F. A. Davis Company.


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