Module 01 discussion – what goes around comes around
Have you heard of the so called “5-second rule” for when food falls to the floor? (NOT true by the way). Have you seen the signs in restrooms indicating that all employees must wash their hands before returning to work?
There do exist good bacteria (which are especially essential to healthy probiotic-rich food!), but viruses, fungi, harmful species of bacteria and even certain protozoans or helminths (parasitic worms) could also be in many different places (including on “surfaces” that other people touch).
Thus, bacteria (and other types of microbes) are everywhere and the concept of cleanliness should apply to anyone who encounters foreign materials, fecal matter or urine, or any potentially contaminated materials. Before posting, try to do a little research on the difference between helpful microbes (probiotics) vs. harmful ones. Also try to review the concepts in the Module 1 chapters especially relevant to the terms “aseptic technique”, “sterile,” and “contaminated.”
For your initial post, discuss any two places or objects you can think of that might fit the description of “contaminated” according to its scientific definition. Name two examples of bacterial species that may be responsible for the contamination (specify their Genus and species names for each one). For THIS part of the discussion, please ONLY mention BACTERIAL species (since there are many types of microbes that are NOT “bacteria”). For the second part of this discussion, mention at least one place that is not “sterile” YET at the same time is NOT CONTAMINATED…such as types of fermented foods. (For this part, you may find the Optional PPT in Module 6 inspiring).
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