Adult health ii final exam!rated a+ answers
Adult Health II Final
1 The nurse should assess the patient with left-side heart failure for which findings? (SATA)
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Right upper quadrant pain
Crackles in the lungs Regular vein distention
2 A patient is being screened for diabetes and has two recent fasting blood glucose results of 132mg/dL (7.33mmol/L) and 146mg/dL (8.10mmol/L) How should these result be interpreted?
The fasting blood glucose tests should be repeated two more times
These results indicate diabetes mellitus. Follow-up is required These are normal results. No further action is needed
The patient should be scheduled for a hemoglobin A1c(HbA1C)test
3 A nurse is assessing a patient for a suspected anaphylactic reaction following a CT scan with contrast media. For which of the following patient findings should the nurse intervene first?
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