Comparative religion-analytical essay | Nursing homework help
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- Textbook: Chapter 8, 9, 10
- Lesson
- Minimum of 6 scholarly sources (at least 2 for Judaism, 2 for Christianity, & 2 for Islam)
- Please review criteria for scholarly sources.
In a short essay, complete the following:
- Explain the historical relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What are their geographical connections? What are their historical timelines?
- Analyze the historical relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in order to make an argument about the similarities and differences between the three religions. Select one main example from the following list on which to focus your comparison: the nature of God, the nature of Jesus, Holy Books, or Salvation. Your analysis should span multiple paragraphs and utilize specific examples.
- Conclude by examining the current relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam today. How has globalization influenced or affected the current relationship?
Your paper should include an introduction and thesis that clearly states your central claim, thoughtful examples and analysis in your body paragraphs, and a conclusion to finalize your thoughts.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
- Length: 1200-1400 words (not including title page or references page)
- 1-inch margins
- Double spaced
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Title page
- References page (minimum of 6 scholarly sources)
This activity will be graded based on the Written Assignment Grading Rubric.
Weekly Objectives (WO)
WO4.1, 4.2, 6.11-6.13, 7.3
Molloy, M. (2013). Experiencing the world’s religions (6th ed.). New York City, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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