The last discussion board forum is the final phase of the lab
The last discussion board forum is the final phase of the lab.
The last Discussion Board Forum is the final phase of the Lab Project, which gives you a chance to reflect on the results you obtained and share your thoughts with the class. You have collected the data, run the tests, and presented the results—now you can step back and think about what it might mean.
- Was there any sort of relationship between church attendance and sound doctrinal belief based on your data set? Remember, each of you may have gotten different results, so there is no right or wrong answer. Do these results match your initial prediction from Discussion Board Forum 1, or are they different? Include the outcome of your study so that others can see the strength of the relationship and your sample size.
- How generalizable do you think your results are?
- Do the results reflect the statements made by Quarles (2011) in the excerpt you read earlier (of little relationship between the variables), or do they demonstrate something different?
- Write about at least 1 implication these results could have for pastors, Sunday school teachers, and other church leaders.
350 to 450
The last discussion board forum is the final phase of the lab
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