Philosophy essay 6-8 pages | Literature homework help

Philosophy essay 6-8 pages | Literature homework help.

*the writer needs to read the READINGS theres a total of 4 readings to this essay.

*provide notes for each reading. 


This current event, gun control, is chosen as a way to get you to think about and apply the philosophical principles.   We are interested in the differences between Hobbesian, Lockean, libertarian and utilitarian principles of justice.  Therefore you can take whatever position you like, so long as you explain the philosophical principles and defend your position against the philosophical objections.  Your essay must compare and contrast the Hobbesian, the Lockean-libertarian, and the utilitarian principles of justice as they pertain to the issue of gun control laws.  You are really using the gun control situation to talk about philosophy.  You will not be graded up or down for taking a certain position.  You will be graded on the completeness and correctness of your understanding of the principles of justice.

You should approach this essay in several steps.  The first step is to understand the philosophical principles of justice of each position.   Second, see how those principles of justice determine certain views on the issue of gun control.  Third, write the essay… be sure to explain the philosophical principles and the issues, defending the one you think it best, and critiquing the one’s you think are wrong. 

Philosophy essay 6-8 pages | Literature homework help


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