Ba 3300 exam 1 | Business & Finance homework help
Ba 3300 exam 1 | Business & Finance homework help.
Question 1
Identifying weaknesses, while recognizing the strengths is not needed in critical thinking, but only in SWOT Analysis.
.0.2 points
Question 2
Wages and Working Conditions are excluded from the ethical issues of concern in international business.
.0.2 points
Question 3
Which of the following is correct about ethical management?
a. Decision making leads to orientation, discussion, and implementation
b. Ethical decision making leads to orientation, discussion, and implementation
c. Ethical management has a handsome long-term reward
d. Ethical orientation leads to discussion, decision Making, and implementation
e. Ethical implementation leads to discussion, orientation, and ethical Decision Making
.0.2 points
Question 4
Critical thinking is a normal mode of thinking.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 5
Which of the following is not in the logical order of progression in an
Ethical Process Dialogue:Answer a. Modify Proposals
b. Value Differences
c. Uncover Assumptions
d. Evaluate Alternative Views
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 6
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
Answer a. Ethical issues could be used as justification of the Market System
b. Ethics, economics, and the law are not related in business
c. Ethics could be viewed as a part of the conditions for free markets
d. Ethics, economics, and the Law are related in business
e. Ethical right or wrong could be justified by economics and could be legal or illegal
.0.2 points
Question 7
Ethical process analysisAnswer a. Uses argumentative structures
b. Is that which is examined as the outcome of an experiment
c. Is that which is manipulated or changed
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 8
Ethical process analysisAnswer a. Is designed for people who are willing to discuss controversial issues with others
b. Examines direct cause-and-effect relationships
c. Focus on cause and effect, but are pre-assigned
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 9
Decision making could be at:Answer a. Individual level
b. Organization level
c. Business System level
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 10
Critical thinking is:Answer a. Self-directed
b. Self-disciplined
c. Self-monitored
d. Self-corrective
e. All of the above
.0.2 points
Question 11
Ethics is a guide to thinking.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 12
Disagreements, as an advantage:Answer a. May prevent mistakes
b. Can promote a more inclusive and realistic proposal
c. Creates opportunity for learning
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 13
Disagreements, as a disadvantage:Answer a. May threaten cooperation
b. Can create a debating game of winners and losers
c. May delay action
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 14
Analyzing, evaluating, and improving are critical in critical thinking.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 15
Which of the following is correct about ethics and corporations?Answer a. Ethical behavior of Corporate entities could be legally binding on company executives through agency law
b. The decisions made by the teams are the responsibilities of the individual executives
c. Corporate teams perform as individuals when making ethical decisions
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 16
Critical thinking is Answer a. An objective reasoning and judgment to determine merits and faults.
b. Thinking aimed at a well-founded judgment, using appropriate evaluative standards to determine true worth, merit, or value.
c. The art of thinking about thinking while thinking, in order to make thinking better.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 17
Critical thinkersAnswer a. Use theories to explain how the mind works.
b. Apply those theories to the way they live every day.
c. Have self-command of the principles of critical thinking; keep alive in the mind; and have continual engagement in everyday life.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 18
Ethical process analysisAnswer a. Balances advocacy and inquiry
b. Includes both descriptive and normative analysis
c. Connects dialogue and argument
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 19
The following are related to the theory of absolutism and relativism, except:Answer a. Lack of contact with other cultures
b. Morally Relevant Differences
c. The variety of Ethical Outlooks
d. The Right of People to Decide
e. Required Conditions for Doing Business
.0.2 points
Question 20
Corporations are legal entities that bear no social responsibility.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 21
The following could be identified in corporate governance, except:Answer a. Interested groups vs. Corporate goals
b. Stakeholders Theory
c. Devil’s advocate
d. Property Rights and Social Institutions Theory
e. Contractual Theory
.0.2 points
Question 22
The following could be identified in corporate governance, except:Answer a. Property Rights and Social Institutions Theory
b. Diversity myths
c. Contractual Theory
d. Agency Theory
e. Codes of Ethics
.0.2 points
Question 23
Which of these does not belong to the Dialogical Choice of Debate:Answer a. Is driven by implicit meanings
b. Exploits weaknesses
c. Increases alienation
d. Forces participants to protect positions
e. Forces participants to face each other as combatants
.0.2 points
Question 24
Critical thinkers use theories to explain how the mind works.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 25
In international business, ethical frame of reference could beAnswer a. Diversity Consciousness versus Understanding
b. Awareness versus Skills in handling people
c. Absolutism versus Relativism
d. Enhanced Diversity versus Skills
e. Expanded Horizon versus Empowerment
.0.2 points
Question 26
Ethical issues of concern in international business include the following, except:Answer a. Taking an active role in educating yourself
b. Foreign Bribery
c. Cultural Differences
d. Employment Practices
e. Consumer Protection
.0.2 points
Question 27
Define critical thinking in five ways.Answer
1. First, critical thinking seeks to evaluate the validity of a claim by presenting oneself with arguments that will help the thinker know the validity of a claim.
2. From this, critical thinking is, as said in the previous questions, self-directed, self-disciplined, self- monitored, and self-corrective thinking. This means that a critical thinker is aware of his thought process, and evaluates it over and over again so that he can correct any preconceived notions and assumptions.
3. Because of this, critical thinking allows the thinker to have a clear and open mind that will entertain all sorts of claims, how absurd they may appear to be initially.
4. However, this does not mean that critical thinking will result in accepting all assumptions – after entertaining the claims, there will be a reasonable, disciplined, and controlled filtering process that will accept and reject some of the claims.
5. Lastly, critical thinking requires thinkers to use sound theories that explain how the mind works, and apply these theories in everyday decision-making processes. In the end, critical thinking involves criticizing one’s own mind.
.0.5 points
Question 28
Corporate social responsibility is the voluntary actions and decision outcomes affecting society, that are perceived to have the best interest of society, not just goals beyond purely economic and legal responsibilities.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 29
Ethical process analysis Answer a. Is neither dependent nor independent
b. Begins with people stating their views of what should be done
c. Is only of the control, extraneous, and moderator variety
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 30
People see the role of managers in business ethics as:Answer a. Economic Actors
b. Company Leaders
c. Community Leaders
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 31
How can you apply critical thinking to your life and in business in five different ways?Answer
1. First, when we are presented with a claim or a problem, we must gather the necessary information needed to evaluate the claim properly and reasonably. We must be persistent in researching about the claim, so that we will not simply jump to conclusions as this can destroy us quite rapidly. Also, when we gather information, we must research furthermore where this information came from, as sources can affect the credibility of the information. For example, some guy tells me that my wife has been seeing some other guy. I should gather a lot of information about this claim before I confront my wife. Also, I should evaluate who this guy is (my father, my brother, or some prankster neighbor kid).
2. Second, after gathering the needed information, we must analyze it thoroughly. Weight out the evidence, conduct tests and experiments if this is about an academic research or a business survey.
3. After all of these, combine the findings and formulate possible conclusions. I can write these explicitly or this can happen in a few seconds only inside my head. As all these commence, we must remember to be open minded, and that in some cases, there is no absolute answer.
4. Consider and listen to the views of other people. In fact, it is better to try and put myself in the shoes of other people. For example, I have a heated disagreement with an officemate because he insists on cutting budget for production, while I defend my stand of increasing the budget so that quality products are made. Unknowingly, this officemate of mine can be the one who is pressured almost every day by questions of the board regarding the diminishing profits over the past few weeks, while I am not receiving that amount of flak. Considering this will push me to pursue an agreement that will benefit the both of us, in a clear and calm manner.
5. Lastly, I believe in trying to understand the background of the person talking to me. This is very much related to 4, but this involves the person’s ethnicity, cultural background, religion, job, etc. There are lots of listening that we need to do in life, and when we allow ourselves to really listen, then we can make each other’s lives better than before.
.0.5 points
Question 32
Ethical process:Answer a. Examines direct cause-and-effect relationships.
b. Focus on cause and effect, but are pre-assigned.
c. Is a way of working together to make better decisions and fewer mistakes.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 33
Likely guideline (s) for multinational companies (MNC) could be:Answer a. Human Rights
b. Welfare
c. Justice
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 34
To maintain ethical standards:Answer a. Become a critic of your thinking.
b. Establish old habits of thought.
c. Develop no confidence in your ability to reason and figure things out.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 35
Ethical issues of concern in international business include the following, except:Answer a. Employment Practices
b. Be modest
c. Consumer Protection
d. Environmental Protection
e. Political Payments and Involvement
.0.2 points
Question 36
Ethics in the World of Business affect:Answer a. Business Decision Making
b. Economic Interest
c. Organizational Interest
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 37
Which of the following is not in the logical order of progression in an
Ethical Process Dialogue:Answer a. Encounter Disagreements
b. Engage in Dialogue
c. Develop Good Reasons
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 38
Disagreements, as a disadvantage:Answer a. May favor “argumentative” types over others
b. May stifle participation
c. May be stressful
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 39
The best critical thinker pays close attention to thinking by:Answer a. Analyzing
b. Evaluating
c. Improving
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
.0.2 points
Question 40
Thinking Critically, you would:Answer a. Examine your thinking and put it to test.
b. Take your thinking apart, to see it as something constructed out of parts.
c. Identify weaknesses, while recognizing the strengths.
d. Creatively reconstruct your thinking to make it better, overcoming the natural tendency of the mind to be rigid.
e. All of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 41
To maintain ethical standards:Answer a. Apply non-intellectual standards to thinking.
b. Focus on clarity, accuracy, precision, and relevance.
c. No need for depth and breadth.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 42
To maintain ethical standards:Answer a. No need for logic and significance.
b. No need for fairness.
c. Avoid sweeping statements that could lead to serious errors.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
.0.2 points
Question 43
Ethics affect business decision making only in theory.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 44
Ethical issues of concern in international business include the following, except:Answer a. Wages and Working Conditions
b. What is a Justified Wage?
c. Following through
d. Foreign Bribery
e. Cultural Differences
.0.2 points
Question 45
Which of these does not belong to the Dialogical Choice of Dialogue:Answer a. Is driven by individual interests
b. Supports strengths
c. Strengthens community
d. Allows participants to explore positions
e. Allows participants to face each other as partners
.0.2 points
Question 46
Ethics is the right or wrong without regard to culture or perception.Answer True
.0.2 points
Question 47
Disagreements, as an advantage:Answer a. Allows us to examine reasons
b. Increases the pool of resources
c. Can reveal a proposal’s limits
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
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