Writing assignment #1 medical sociology

Writing assignment #1 medical sociology.


Although stress is an inevitable consequence of facing challenges and leading a busy life, there are things we can do help us become aware of the situations and events that cause us to feel stress and the way we react to them. This assignment is intended to provide an opportunity to learn more about the situations and events that trigger stress and a few basic techniques for managing stress.

 Step 1: Choose a 24 hour period and fill out a Stress Diary STRESS DIARY_sample.docx The period should include a day during which you have classes or work.

the sample and the template for the stress diary is attached below

 Step 2. Watch the following TEDx lecture on mindfulness by Diana Winston of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center 

Step 3. Watch ONE of the following two videos (you may, of course, watch both but are only required to watch one)


Step 4. Select a second 24 hour period and fill out a second stress diary. This period should also include a day during which you have classes or work.

Step 5. Write a 2-3 page essay evaluating the use of mindfulness and mindful meditation to reduce stress. What were your impressions of the material presented in the videos? Did the mindfulness videos affect your experience of stress or how you responded to stressful situations? Do you think this approach could would be a useful component of an intervention strategy to help students deal with stress? Why or why not Please turn in your stress diaries and essay incorporated into a single Word document.

For full credit: Text should be double-spaced Font must be Times New Roman, 12 pt All margins must be 1 inch

Writing assignment #1 medical sociology


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