Due in 6 hours…… 1 paragraph …… please read

Due in 6 hours…… 1 paragraph …… please read.

this is due in 6 hours…… must have done in 6 hours….. 

1 paragraph on the following: 

 Minstrel shows, vaudeville and the early musicals of Harlem set the standard for dance entertainment in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. Variety shows were and extension of saloon entertainment. Vaudeville was a culmination of specialty acts! These dance styles were entertainment oriented with little or no artistic merit! Entertain us! Give some specific examples! You may want to find a youtube video to show an example of your dance movement? Or describe it to us.! 

No reference page and no cover page needed 

Due in 6 hours…… 1 paragraph …… please read


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