Discussion post | Marketing homework help

Discussion post | Marketing homework help.


I read all discussion posts and grade them for (1) fulfillment of requirements within the prompt and (2) quality of contribution (see rubric within this prompt).

YOUR POST: In order to earn credit for this discussion board, issue your initial, requirement-fulfilling post by June 21.


  • To earn a max grade of “C”: post one reply that meets the criteria outlined below.
  • To earn a max grade of “B”: post two replies that meet the criteria outlined below.
  • To earn a max grade of “A”: post two replies that meet the criteria outlined below AND engage those who respond to YOUR post in thoughtful, conversation-provoking responses.

Discussion Prompt:

In Chapter 8, our text discusses the ABC Model of Attitudes and the Hierarchy of Effects. The ABC Model emphasizes the interrelationships among knowing (cognition), feeling (affect), and doing (behavior) in forming attitudes. The Hierarchy of Effects specifies a fixed sequence of steps occurs en route to an attitude. Sometimes it starts with cognition. Other times it starts with a behavior or affect. It just depends on the type of decision making (cognitive, habitual, or affective; see Chapter 2) that is taking place.

For your post, provide a personal example of a time you used habitual or affective decision making. Which hierarchy was involved? Briefly explain what occurred at each step. How involved were you in the decision making process? Why? Use BOLD type for the type of decision making, related hierarchy, and level of involvement (see example below).

For your reply, read a peer’s post and suggest how marketers for the product could use this information to their advantage.

Example (using cognitive decision making, since it is not an option for your post):

Title: C–> A–>B – My SUV buying experience

When it was time to replace my husband’s 13-year-old truck, I engaged in cognitive decision making as I scoured the internet for knowledge on various SUVs and their attributes, used information from Consumer Reports and AutoTrader.com to assess our options based on the attributes I considered most important, and then bought a new Honda Pilot. This aligns with the standard learning hierarchy because I approached the decision as a problem-solving process. I was highly involved in the process because a vehicle is an expensive, durable product that carries considerable risk. First I gathered knowledge about different SUVs and their attributes from various websites (cognition), then I formed a feeling about the product (affect), and finally I bought the product that offered the attributes with which I was most concerned (behavior). 

REPLY: A marketer for the Honda Pilot could benefit from knowing shoppers like you use Consumer Reports and AutoTrader.com to learn about vehicle options. They could place digital ads on those sites or use behavioral targeted digital ads tied to key search terms (“safest SUV”, “best gas mileage SUV”) consumers like you use when gathering information in the cognitive decision making process.

Discussion Grading Rubric (points deducted for improper grammar and misspellings). Multiply by 2 for 10-point discussion boards.





Response goes beyond simply answering the  prompt; attempts to stimulate further thought &  discussion



Response provides most of the content required by the prompt, but does not require further analysis of the subject



Response provides obvious information without  further analysis of the concept; lacks depth of  knowledge or reasoning



Response does not accurately address the prompt;  rambling and/or without consistency



No response provided to the prompt within the  associated time frame


Discussion post | Marketing homework help


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