Comp challenges in business | DDBA 8006 – Contemporary Challenges in Business | Walden University

Comp challenges in business | DDBA 8006 – Contemporary Challenges in Business | Walden University.

Pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree is a journey that provides an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. The writing of this paper is occurring during a time when the United States is in an economic crisis. Research studies (Curtis, 2014; Williams, 2014Schildkraut, 2014, , Zack, 2015, Adelino, 2014) regarding foreclosures; other research studies (Jurinski, 2016; Ryan, 2014) concerning the decline in small business startups; and scholarly dialogue (Atkinson, 2012; crossley, 2014; Jin, 2014; Jolly, 2015; McGuinness, 2014) regarding job loss and its effects on various aspects of life are affecting the economy. In fact, the state of the economy has therefore caused many individuals to return to higher educational institutions for the purpose of enhancing their professional skills and expanding their horizons. For some who have taken on the challenge of completing a doctoral degree, they struggle to understand the appropriate scholarly writing prose expected by their selected educational institution academicians. In fact, writing at the doctoral level presents a unique set of challenges. Much has been written about research methods and designs (Moustakas, 1994; Yin, 2014; Zikmund, 2013) and how to structure dissertations and research studies. Laboratories for practicing scholarly writing prose are nonexistent and doctoral students practice in the natural classroom setting. I realize, like some doctoral students, I may struggle to understand the appropriate steps to take when developing my scholarly writing prose.  In fact, the anxiety of beginning the DBA journey, focusing on my writing prose, and understanding the various phases of the doctoral program are a bit overwhelming. However, I will overcome my anxiety as I must prioritize those things I find require strengthening, and my scholarly writing prose is primary. I began perusing the Walden University Writing Center, and I found common APA nuances that, if understood and applied, will enhance my scholarly writing prose. Below are those APA nuances.

Post your assessment of Michael’s Writing Style Prose Paper for APA formatting. In addition to uploading your review of the paper as an attachment in the Discussion thread, include in your post answers to the following:

  • What were the most frequent errors you identified?
  • What did you find easy about the review, and what did you find challenging? Why?
  • What do you plan to do to further improve your knowledge of APA?

Comp challenges in business | DDBA 8006 – Contemporary Challenges in Business | Walden University


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