Assignment: case study analysis–cognitive and social-cognitive theory
Assignment: case study analysis–cognitive and social-cognitive theory.
This week you examined personality theories from the cognitive and social-cognitive theoretical orientation. Supported by the information you gathered in your Personality Theory Matrix, analyze the case of Mrs. C based on one theory from the cognitive or social-cognitive orientation examined this week. The case study analysis considers Mrs. C’s symptoms (including cultural considerations) and offers relevant assessments and interventions for her case. Additionally, it must be supported by scholarly materials from the research of reputable sources.
Based on the information you gain from the personality case study, “The Case of Mrs. C,” complete the following case study analysis:
- Analyze Mrs. C’s symptoms, including cultural considerations, from the perspective of a key idea from a theorist that you identified from the cognitive or social-cognitive theoretical orientation.
- Offer suggestions for assessments and interventions to use with Mrs. C from the perspective of a key idea from a theorist that you identified from the cognitive or social-cognitive theoretical orientation.
Integrate Resources and scholarly materials from your own research in your analyses and provide citations and references in APA format. References should be combined in one list at the end of the document.
Assignment: case study analysis–cognitive and social-cognitive theory
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