Assignment 2 | Statistics homework help

Assignment 2 | Statistics homework help.


Assignment 2

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· All results should be processed using SPSS.

· Upload your SPSS dataset file (the ones end with .sav), output file (the ones end with .spv) along with this document (Microsoft Word, ending with .doc or .docx) when you submit your assignment on Canvas.  Failing to comply with these requirements will result in zero points for your entire assignment. No exceptions!

· Late submission will also result in zero points for your assignment. No exceptions!

*** Make sure to answer each question completely. ***

1. A research team has just concluded a study that investigated the relationship between mothers’ level of education and the frequency of injuries in their young children. The study was conducted on a sample of second graders with their mothers providing a report of the number of injuries the child sustained that required medical attention over the past year. The reports were checked for validity with medical records. The data are saved in an excel file called injury.xlsx. The first column is the child’s ID, the second column is the mother’s level of education (higher value indicates higher education level, e.g., 1= “Graduate primary school”, 6 = “Graduate high school”, 10 = “Doctorate”), and the last column is the number of injuries the child sustained over the past year.

a) Import the excel file data into SPSS. Save this SPSS dataset file to a file name of your choice. Upload this data file to Canvas when you submit your assignment. (2 point) 

b) Use the Frequencies Command to obtain the mean, median, and standard deviation of the variable Injury. Paste the table you obtained from SPSS output window to the space below. (2 point) 

c) What is the mean for injury? In your own words, what does this value tell you about the variable? What is the standard deviation for injury? (3 point) 

d) Use the Descriptives Command to obtain the standard deviation, variance, minimum, maximum, and range of the variable Mother’s Level of Education. Paste the table you obtained from SPSS output window to the space below. (2 point) 

e) What is the variance and range of the variable Mother’s Level of Education? (2 point)

f) What was the smallest value that occurred for Mother’s level of Education? (1 point)

2. You are interested in investigating the relationship between the number of hours older adults are sedentary (i.e., seated, inactive, etc.) each day and their life satisfaction. Using two questionnaires, you obtained the data saved in lifesat.sav. Variables in the dataset include: respondents’ ID, number of hours sedentary per day, and respondents’ satisfaction with life on a 7-point Likert-type scale (1 being the least satisfied and 7 being the most satisfied).

a) Perform a test of normality on the variable number of sedentary hours. Paste the Tests of Normality Table you obtained from SPSS output window to the space below. (2 point)

b) Report the appropriate test of normality from the table above (be sure to tell me what test you’re reporting for full credit) and its p-value. (2 point)

c) Based on the test of normality you reported above, is the variable sedentary hours normally distributed? Explain your answer in statistical terms (i.e., explain why you arrived upon your conclusion, referencing your reported p-value). (2 points)

d) Transform the scores on the number of sedentary hours per day and satisfaction with life variables into z scores. Save your data and upload this data file to Canvas when you submit your assignment. (3 points)

e) Create a Frequency Distribution Table for the two transformed variables (z scores) in SPSS. Paste the Frequency Distribution Table you obtained from SPSS output window to the space below. (2 point)

(hint: if you performed question d correctly, you should find the z-score variables in your dataset)

f) How many respondents are more than 1.5 standard deviations above the mean in the measure of life satisfaction? How many are more than 1 standard deviation below the mean in the measure of life satisfaction? (2 point)

(hint: to answer this question, you’ll need to know what z-score represents 1.5 standard deviations above the mean and count how many z-score values are above this; you will then need to know what z-score represents 1 standard deviation below the mean and count how many z-scores are below this)

Assignment 2 | Statistics homework help


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